Top 5 Tips for Preventing Post Workout Insomnia | Flo Mattress
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Five Tips for Preventing Post Workout Insomnia

Many fitness enthusiasts have trouble sleeping post a strenuous workout session done late in the night. While exercising is important for a list of health benefits, you can’t take a toll on your sleep. Sleep is critical for overall physical and mental health. So the trick is to develop habits and routine that optimizes both.

To anyone who says that they can’t sleep after exercise, give them a FLO mattress for a comfortable and well- supported good night’s rest.

Let’s understand what causes this condition and how can it prevented-

Reason for Post Workout Insomnia

While it is difficult to identify one particular reason for this condition, we can highlight some of the factors that could be responsible for sleep after workout insomnia.

  1. Increased levels of hormones

     Intense physical activity increases the heart rate, makes you sweat and also makes the adrenal gland active. When the adrenaline gets working, it results in the release of three hormones- adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine.

    Adrenaline and norepinephrine are similar in nature. They keep us alert and give us the feeling of excitement. Cortisol is a stress hormone that also keeps us alert and aware when it is high.

    For an individual to fall asleep it is essential that these three hormones are at normal levels. However, if we participate in an evening workout the escalated levels of the hormones may not come down easily and this could affect the sleep cycle and pattern.

  2. Body temperature and Dehydration

     It is a known fact that the body temperature increases when we exercise. Also, in an intensive training session, one loses a lot of water and body salts. Post workout it is important that you do not ignore the signs of dehydration. High body temperature and dehydration are big contributors to post-workout insomnia.

  3. Stimulants

    Consuming caffeine through tea, coffee and sports nutrition products may stimulate you to perform. However, be mindful of the amount of caffeine you consume and the time you consume it. These two factors have a direct effect on your sleep and could be a reason for insomnia.

    Reasons like time of the workout and its intensity which could be a culprit for inducing insomnia post a workout too.

How To Prevent Post Workout Insomnia?

FLO would like to highlight five key ways to avoid post-exercise insomnia.

  1. Finish early

    Try to finish your workout at least 3 hours prior to your bedtime. This gives your body ample time for rest and for the hormones to come back to optimal levels before you go to sleep. If possible, schedule your workout in the mornings. That will completely eliminate the issue of post workout-insomnia.

    If for any reason your workout is scheduled hours before you sleep, choose some low-impact exercises that will not give you a hormonal rush. You may want to consider replacing the strenuous routine with a walk or a slow jog.

  2. Keep cool

    Hydrate yourself adequately after a rigorous workout. This will optimize the levels of liquids and salts in the body and also help in bringing down the body temperature.

    A shower also helps in reducing the body temperature and keeps the body cool. For many a shower induces sleep.

  3. Choose your beverage carefully

    If you like taking a pre-workout drink, ensure it is non-caffeinated. Avoiding stimulating substances a few hours prior to bedtime can go a long way in helping you beat insomnia.

  4. Nourish your body

    Do not skip a meal or snack post a workout. Energize your body with some nutritious food. This will give the muscles the needed energy to recuperate. But remember, too much food can make you feel bloated, and too little food can make you hungry. So, eating the right quantity is as important as eating the right food.

    One may also try herbal teas. Certain teas like Chamomile, Tulsi and lemon balm helps in inducing sleep. Try sipping on a glass of tea an hour before bed.

  5. Make your room sleep friendly

    Draw the curtains, turn on the air conditioner. Use any technique to make your room cooler. Why? It is a known fact that an individual falls asleep easily in cooler temperature as compared to one that is hot and stifling.

    Nulling out sound and noise can help one fall easily. Curtains and shades can block out light. There are also noise-cancelling apps that can block out sounds in the room. These simple techniques can make your room more sleep friendly and help in overcoming insomnia.

    Sleep is important for every living person. It is even more important for those who workout. Why? Because the 6-8 hours of sound sleep gives your muscles the much needed rest. Do not ignore sleep and rest if you are a regular at working out!

    So, if you are affected by insomnia after a workout try these simple and practical tips which are easy to implement and will give definite and positive results.

Exercise For Insomnia

  1. Aerobic exercises

    Aerobic exercises, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, can help regulate sleep patterns. They can also help relieve stress and anxiety that may be contributing to insomnia.

  2. Yoga

    Yoga is a relaxation technique that can help you relax and improve your breathing. Practicing yoga before bedtime can help you relax your mind and body, allowing you to sleep better.

  3. Progressive muscle relaxation

    Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body. This technique can help you relax your body and reduce anxiety, which can help you sleep better.

  4. Mindfulness meditation

    Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This technique can help you reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve your sleep.

  5. Deep breathing exercises

    Deep breathing exercises can help you relax and reduce stress. You can practice deep breathing before bedtime to help calm your mind and body and improve your sleep.

It's important to note that exercise may not be appropriate for everyone, and you should always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.

Insomnia Prevention Tips

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps to regulate your body's internal clock and establish a regular sleep pattern.
  2. Create a bedtime routine: Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book, to signal to your body that it's time to wind down and sleep.
  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine: Stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine can interfere with sleep, so avoid them in the evening and close to bedtime.
  4. Get regular exercise: Regular exercise helps promote healthy sleep, but make sure to finish your workout at least a few hours before bedtime.
  5. Create a sleep-conducive environment: Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet, and dark, and that your bed is comfortable.

Finding The Best Mattress For Insomnia

Finding the best mattress for insomnia can be subjective, as individual preferences & needs vary. However, there are a few factors to consider when selecting a mattress that may help improve sleep quality for individuals with insomnia:

  1. Support: Look for a mattress that provides proper support to maintain spinal alignment. Medium-firm mattresses are often recommended as they can offer a balance of support & comfort.
  2. Comfort: Pick a mattress that you find comfortable. Whether you want a plush or harder feel depends on personal tastes. Examine alternatives with adjustable firmness or check out several mattresses.
  3. Pressure Relief: Insomnia sufferers may experience discomfort due to pressure points. Look for a mattress that offers good pressure relief, particularly in areas such as the shoulders, hips, & lower back. Memory foam or Latex mattresses are known for their pressure-relieving properties.
  4. Motion Isolation: If you sleep with a partner who moves during the night, consider a mattress with good motion isolation. This feature can help minimize disturbances caused by movements, allowing for a more restful sleep.
  5. Temperature Regulation: Temperature changes may make it hard for some people with insomnia to fall asleep. To assist control body temperature, look for mattresses with cooling features like gel-infused foams or permeable materials.
  6. Allergen Resistance: Consider a mattress that is hypoallergenic & resistant to allergens like dust mites or mould if you have allergies or other sensitivities.
  7. Durability: Pick a mattress that can survive repeated use over time and is built of high-quality materials. Long-term support & comfort can be guaranteed with a resilient mattress.

It's important to note that while a suitable mattress can contribute to better sleep, addressing underlying causes of insomnia, such as stress, anxiety, or medical conditions, is crucial. If you're experiencing chronic insomnia, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to identify the root causes and explore appropriate treatment options.

The key to a good night's sleep is the right mattress. Flo Mattress offers top-notch quality and comfort for your sleep sanctuary.

Explore Flo Mattress

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can Too Much Exercise Cause Insomnia?

Yes, too much exercise can cause insomnia in some cases. When you engage in high-intensity workouts or exercise for extended periods, your body releases endorphins and adrenaline, which can cause you to feel energized and alert. This can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night and cause insomnia. Additionally, exercising too close to bedtime can also make it difficult to fall asleep as your body may still be in an active state. It's important to find a balance between exercise and rest to avoid disrupting your sleep patterns.

2. Why Does Exercise Cause Insomnia?

Regular exercise is known to help improve sleep quality and promote better sleep. However, exercising too close to bedtime can sometimes have the opposite effect and cause insomnia. The reason for this is that exercise raises the heart rate, body temperature, and releases endorphins, which can all stimulate the body and make it harder to fall asleep. It is recommended to finish exercising at least two hours before bedtime to allow the body to cool down and return to a relaxed state before sleep. Additionally, exercising outdoors in bright sunlight can also affect the body's circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep at night.

3. How Does Exercise Help Treat Insomnia?

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Regulating your body clock
  • Improving overall health
  • Decreasing the risk of sleep apnea
  • Increasing relaxation

4. Can Exercise Cause Insomnia?

Experts recommend avoiding exercise within three hours of bedtime to prevent sleep disturbances. It is also essential to find a balance between exercise and rest to prevent exhaustion, which can also cause sleep problems. Additionally, some individuals may experience difficulty sleeping due to overtraining or exercising excessively.

Overall, exercise can be beneficial for sleep, but it is important to avoid late-night workouts and find a balance that works for your body. If you experience ongoing sleep problems, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional.

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